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Two Conversations

Hello –

Two important conversations are starting right now at St. Paul’s and you are invited to be a part of both of them:

• Christian in Marin/Call
Last Saturday over 20 of us gathered in a circle in Duncan Hall and began to consider both of these intertwined realities. Judy took careful notes, out of which are going to emerge 3 or 4 questions we will be considering this Saturday. The voices around the circle were remarkably rich and thoughtful. When I asked if new people were invited to join us this Saturday at 8:30, there was an overwhelming feeling that, yes, more voices would be very welcome. 8:30am to 9:30am in Duncan Hall.

• RenewalWorks
In September, 84 of us took the anonymous Spiritual Life Inventory. Since then, Jacob, Kate, Judy, Mike, Joan, Tanner and I have met half a dozen times to consider what the results may be calling us to do next. At the Annual Meeting, on Sunday, February 3rd, Jacob and the rest of the team will be presenting a synthesis of the results and a way forward that has the possibility to give us a healthy trajectory for the next three years at St. Paul’s. Both have already been presented to the Vestry and unanimously approved. The report will certainly be setting our conversations up for the coming months. The Annual Meeting is 11:30am to 1:00pm in Duncan Hall a week from this Sunday. Lunch will be served. We will also be electing a new Vestry, presenting the budget and unveiling a new initiative, St. Paul’s Forward.

From my perspectives, some deep and very healthy shifts are happening right now at St. Paul’s. Over and over, I am seeing people claim their own spiritual authority and so taking actions that build a stronger church and a more benevolent Marin. The door is open to you. Come to St. Paul’s this Saturday at 8:30am and next Sunday at 11:30am.

p: (415) 456-4842