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A New Chapter Has Begun

Hello –

Last Sunday, we began a new chapter in the life of St. Paul’s.

It was our Annual Meeting and it was unlike any Annual Meeting we’ve had before. I led from behind and your brothers and sisters in Christ led from the front. At least 12 different people stood up and presented on an element of our common life where they are taking leadership. Most of the leadership was around the two efforts that will orient our next three years, RenewalWorks and St. Paul’s Forward.

I want to give special thanks to three leaders in particular.

Jacob is leading our RenewalWorks Team. Not only has he created a solid foundation of scripture based ideas, he has lovingly brought out the best in each person who is serving on the Team. As each person stood to talk on Sunday, you could see them claiming who they really are for the sake of building up our community.

Pat is inspiring us by leading St. Paul’s Forward. In just a few weeks of effort, she has brought transparency and order to our presentation of our financial picture and pulled together a team that is well capable of leading us to a healthier future. Many have since spoken to me of the relief they felt after the meeting. They’re finally clear about what our true picture is and how we can assure a healthy financial future.

Pierce was a great Senior Warden. He led a class of Vestry members, including Ginny, Meg and John, who have seen us through an incredibly rich season of our life. As he reminded us on Sunday, he ran for the Vestry because his wife, Diana, told him to. After she died, as he so beautifully expressed on Sunday, the Vestry was a home for both his heart and his best work. He leaves the Vestry better than he found it.

And the good news is that the 12 leaders we heard from on Sunday are just the beginning. In this new chapter of our life together, I expect many more of us will be expressing our God given leadership in new and life giving ways.

p: (415) 456-4842