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The Holy Week Trio

Hello –

There are three major worship services in the coming week at St. Paul’s:

1. Palm Sunday at 10am on Sunday. The service begins with the blessing of the palms and the glorious procession, and concludes with the stripping of the altar and silence.

2. Good Friday at Noon. The service includes the brining in of the cross, the invitation to hammer a nail into the wood and the ringing of the bell 33 times, once for each year of Jesus’ life.

3. Easter Morning at 10am. The service begins with the lighting of the new fire, includes the renewal of baptismal vows with the sprinkling of water, and a joyful burst of light and song as we rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection.

Stations of the Cross will be available throughout the week in the Courtyard. The pamphlet you need to walk the Stations by yourself or with a few others will be in the box on the gate along Court Street. I will be leading the Stations at 5pm on Good Friday.

Finally, the family of Betty Hardin has said that one of her principal delights these days is receiving little hand written cards. I’ve placed a sign-up with a schedule for the next few months on the table next to the entrance to Duncan Hall (which includes her address). Please sign up on Sunday to send a card to our beloved Betty. Of course you can also just send a card when you feel like it, but it will also be good to know our community is being a steady friend to her through time. I’ll be visiting her tomorrow with communion.

Blessings, Christopher

p: (415) 456-4842