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Bring-A-Friend and More Love

Hello –

This email is an encouragement and an invitation.

The encouragement is to follow Matt S’s lead and start thinking now of people to invite on March 10thto 10am worship at St. Paul’s. Matt is inviting a close buddy who hasn’t been to any church in a long time, his teenage daughter and a bunch of her friends and family that used to come regularly but hasn’t been in a while. Who in your life would you like to invite?

The invitation is for any of you who took any of the Transcending Contempt classes, either in person or online. A group of seven folks, facilitated by Tanner and Frances, have committed to meeting in Duncan Hall for the next four Saturdays, starting this Saturday, the 24th, at 9am. You are welcome to join if you can commit to the 4 Saturdays. On the 4th Saturday, March 16th, I will return to offer a last teaching called More Love, and to listen to what the group has learned. I believe who join this group will be that much more prepared to be beacons of light and love in this election year.

I pray you are having a blessed Lent.

Blessings, Christopher
p: (415) 456-4842