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St. Paul’s Blog (Page 33)

Bathrooms are Closed and Katie on TV

Hello – The bathrooms by Duncan Hall and the upstairs office are again temporarily unusable. The bathrooms at the top of the stairs in the education wing can still be used but accessibility is an issue. We have the plumbers coming as soon as possible to fix the problem, but it may be some days. We just replaced the pipes going through…

Leader of Your Own Faith This Easter

Hello – At St. Paul’s we invite you to become a spiritual leader of your own faith. With that invitation in mind, here are three next steps, in reverse chronological order: 1. Confirmation. In the four Sundays in May, join a group preparing to be Confirmed, Received or Re-arrirmed as an Episcopalian on Saturday, June…

Saturday & Sunday – 3 Easters

Hello – You have 3 ways to celebrate Easter at St. Paul’s: 1. Easter Vigil. Saturday at 7pm, a shared service with Redeemer and Nativity and featuring the baptism of Leila and joyful little party afterwards. The greatest service of the year. 2. Simple Easter Morning. Sunday at 8am the service will be joyful but…

Friday – Good Friday

Hello – This is a brief daily reminder of Holy Week Services. • 12pm- Good Friday. The service lasts just over an hour and includes the brining in of the cross, hammering of nails into the cross and ringing the bell 33 times, once for each year of Jesus’ life. Please also remember to invite…

Thursday – Maundy Thursday

Hello – Tomorrow is the first of the three great days, Maundy Thursday: • 7pm Maundy Thursday. This is an ordinary Eucharist service with foot washing in place of the prayers after the sermon. At the end of the service, in one of the most dramatic moments of the church year, the altar is stripped.…

Notes About Holy Week

Dear Families, Holy Week Tonight – • 7pm Tennebrae. This service of darkness and light uses a bank of candles to tell the salvation story. It’s at Nativity Church at 33 Ellen Drive and will have readers and leaders from the San Rafael Episcopal Churches. Thursday – • 7pm Maundy Thursday. This is an ordinary Eucharist service with foot washing in place of the…

Holy Week – A Chance to Invite

Hello – A quick run down of services and then a beautifully crafted invitation to invite others written by my friend and colleague, Nathan. (I was going to take his idea and modify, but he put it so well, I’m simply stealing!) Holy Week • Sunday– Palm Sunday services at 8am and 10am with blessing…