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St. Paul’s is a Home for Children and Youth

Hello –

In the next few weeks we will be doing two things to make clear our deep love of and commitment to our children and youth. I invite you to participate in both of them.

First, at the 10am service on Sunday, August 25th, we will invite all the children and youth to come up to the front of the church just before the Peace. Karin, our new Children’s Ministry Director, will introduce each child and youth and share with us what grade they are going into. Then, together, we will pray for them.

Second, on Saturday, September 7th, from 9:30 to 11:30 Caren from the Diocese, who is both the director of youth programs and a stand up comic, will lead us in a safe church training. Alternately, we each have the choice to do the training online, in two 45 minute sessions.

Already, most of the St. Paul’s staff and some of the Vestry and our Sunday School teachers have taken the training. I’ve taken it, and I learned two things. There are 5 elements that need to be in place for a church to be safe for children. At the quiz at the end of the training, which was multiple choice, you could choose one of three of the different elements or “all of the above.” I chose “all of the above” and I was wrong. In fact, the most important element in a safe church is “monitoring,” that is, many eyes being alert to the ways that children can suffer. This means that the more of us take this training, the safer our church will be. You can make a difference!

The second thing I learned is that we’re already in great shape. We already practice the best practices, but it is important for our health as a community to stay alert and be prudent together.

(If you wish to do the online training, please email Lorrie at to get the link, the username and the password. To be in compliance with Diocesan standards at least all who have keys should take the training.)

The following weekend, Labor Day weekend, I get to share with you the fruit of my work while on vacation. On Saturday at  8:30am, Sunday at 11:30am or Tuesday at 6:30pm, come to St. Paul’s and learn that The Work is Very Near You. Each Sunday, after communion, we pray something like this: “O God, send us out to do the Work you have given us to do, to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart.” I have developed teachings and playful exercises to help us do the Work God has given us to do and so live “with gladness and singleness of heart.” Please join me.

p: (415) 456-4842