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Newsletter (Page 8)

Cheer Your Fellow Parishioners

Hello – Lex, Chris, Demani and Kristen all play Varsity soccer for Dominican University. The field where they play is less than a mile from the St. Paul’s campus. I went to a bunch of the games last year and they were super fun. Here’s the schedule. M means men’s team and W means women’s…

Praying, Worshipping and Serving

Hello – This past Sunday my only announcement was a reminder that our mission is “following Jesus together in prayer, worship and service.” As a community we are each invited to not just talk the talk but walk the walk. At least one person has already come up to me expressing an interest in taking…

35 Bags in Duncan Hall

Hello – This afternoon Lorrie and I set up 35 small bags in Duncan Hall with colorful tissue paper and a few goodies to get these gifts for our students going. Notes, pencils, stickers, copies of favorite prayers or images, any little thing you can think of for our students will be appreciated. 30 of…

August at St. Paul’s

Hello – Here are farthings to know about August at St. Paul’s: 1. The Back to School Barbecue is a week from Sunday, on August 20th, immediately following worship. Not only will there be great food and music, and we’ll also be offering a super easy way for you to express support to each of our students…

A Celebration and Two Invitations

Hello – Three things (Surprise!) • Celebration: Tomorrow Erin and I present John, Kristen, Margaret, Aidan and Harper to receive the sacrament of Confirmation at Grace Cathedral. Be sure to offer your congratulations to them on this great step in their life of faith. • Invitation #1: Sunday I begin Basic Discipleship right after church in…

A Few Things

Hello – We are now in the Christian season of Ordinary Time. We’ve celebrated the birth of the church at Pentecost and so now enter a time of few major feasts. Here are some things to know about the summer at St. Paul’s: • My major focus for the next month will be starting and…

A Few Things Before I Go

Hello – Chloe and I leave tomorrow for Harper’s graduation from college and I continue on to pilgrimage to the holy island of Linidfarne, in England. The Rev. Lynn Oldham-Robinett and the Rev. Carol Luther will be covering the two services while I’m gone. You’re in the good hands of two people who know and…

Bring Flowers, Please!

Hello – A quick reminder that today is our second annual celebration of flowers. If you have access to some flowers, please bring them so that you can participate in the opening of the service, when all who have flowers will be invited to bring them to the front of the church in honor of…