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Two Pieces of Paper

Hello –

Today I’d like to invite you to follow me in filling out two pieces of paper and returning them to the church.

1. You likely received or will soon receive an letter with an RSVP card for brunch on October 8th, Consecration Sunday. Please fill it out and return it whether or not you plan on coming so we can make sure and have the right amount of food. You can mail it, drop it off at the office, or drop it into the offering plate on Sunday.

2. In the next month we have three funerals, and all three of the people who died, Ellen, Jane and Vince, gave us the gift of some direction for their funeral. Jane in particular finally inspired me to fill out a piece of paper specifying that at my funeral, I want people to say Psalm 27. That piece of paper is now in the filing cabinet in the office, alongside about a dozen other pieces of paper with instructions for people’s funerals.

Please consider giving your family, friends and beloved communities the gift of writing down any desire you might have for your funeral. If you were at church on Sunday and received a one-page form from the ushers, please return it, even if only one thing is filled out. If you weren’t there, email me at and I’ll email you the form.

These two pieces of paper are two invitations to participate in the benevolent common life of St. Paul’s.
Blessings, Christopher

p: (415) 456-4842