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Praying, Worshipping and Serving

Hello –

This past Sunday my only announcement was a reminder that our mission is “following Jesus together in prayer, worship and service.” As a community we are each invited to not just talk the talk but walk the walk.

At least one person has already come up to me expressing an interest in taking a next step in one of these three, service. Might you be called to take a next step in one of these three areas this month?

Here are some open doors:

• In the next few weeks I will start Basic Discipleship after church on Sundays. The heart of this experience is encouragement to get into and maintain a rhythm of daily prayer. 

• Liturgy means the work of the people. At St. Paul’s we all participate in making worship in the beauty of holiness. Next Saturday, the 16th, I will be leading training for all acolytes and readers. Perhaps a next step for you is to join one of those teams or perhaps the altar guild, the ushers or one of the choirs.

• What animates service at St. Paul’s is Jesus’ teaching that when we do kind things to the least, to those in need, we do it to him. Our ministry of monthly letters to condemned Californians and making sandwiches for Vinnies are both vibrant and strong. But the doors are open for us to serve monthly meals to the homeless through the Street Chaplaincy and for us to serve weekly hot meals to the County Community School for probationary youth through Teen Success Breakfast. We have done both very successfully in the past. All we lack now is a core of reliable volunteers. Might you be one?

Jesus said “the kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe in the good news.” Repent means to to turn. When we pray, worship and serve we are turning toward the kingdom of God and participating in its reality now.

I’m here to help you take that next step with Jesus.


p: (415) 456-4842