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Through Holy Week

Hello –

Here’s are brief descriptions of highlights at St. Paul’s between now and Easter morning, which is April 9th.

• This Sunday there will be palms so that those who would like to can make palm crosses for the following Sunday, which is Palm Sunday. I will be teaching on the stories of three controversial conversations in the Episcopal Church over the last 50 years- women’s ordination, gay marriage and open communion.

• Tuesday evening at 7pm, in Duncan Hall and on Zoom, I share three passages from John’s Gospel that have been life changing for me.

• April 2nd is Palm Sunday which begins with the the blessing of the palms and concludes with the stripping of the altar.

• April 4th is the deadline for flower dedications for Easter. The names of your loved ones will be in the Easter bulletin if you contribute to the cost of the flowers that drape our church on Easter.

• April 7th is Good Friday. The man service is at noon and runs just over an hour. Stations of the Cross in the courtyard will be at 5pm.

• The Easter morning service this year will be the Easter Vigil, the hour and a half long service we used to do on Saturday night. It is the most important service of the year and includes a procession of light, a great ancient song, a series of readings, the reaffirmation of baptismal vows, and a dramatic eruption of light and sound. It will be followed by brunch and an Easter egg hunt.

Blessings, Christopher

p: (415) 456-4842