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The Next Three Weekends

Hello –

Last week I wrote to you with an overview of what our weekly schedule looks like during the school year. I listed three things for families, four things for worship, five things for service and six things for learning. This week, I chart our course through the next three weekends. Each has at least one powerful experience for you.

9/11 Death Cafe. 4pm to 6pm. This will be the third time that Chloe has hosted one of these powerful and open-ended discussions about a topic that affects us all- death. Like the other two, I expect the conversation will be lively and strangely liberating and empowering. Tea, cookies and other munchies will be served. This is part of a broader effort that Chloe is leading with Michael Green to get us all thinking and acting with more wisdom and clarity around issues of legacy- this includes things like creating wills, advanced healthcare directives and funeral plans. If you haven’t already, please fill out one of their brief surveys to help shape a speaker series. Here’s the link:

9/18 New Eucharist, New Colloquium, Youth Group. This Sunday, the 18th, from 5pm to 7pm is the launch of our new shared ministry with other northern Marin Episcopal Churches. These events are at Nativity, off of Lucas Valley Road.

9/24 Discipleship Group Workshop. Twice a year we gather as a community to strengthen our six Discipleship Groups, invite new people of St. Paul’s into this central ministry and introduce the practice to other Bay Area Christians. It is from 9am to noon. The next Saturday morning, October 1st, I begin one or more classes of Basic Discipleship, which is the best introduction to being in one of these small groups.

9/25 Community Meeting on the Hardin Courtyard. Tonight, Tuesday, the Vestry meets to consider and vote on two long resolutions that express our consensus as to the best plan for our new courtyard and the best way to pay for it. On Sunday, the 25th, from 11:30 to 12:30, we will host an all-community meeting to share our work with you and listen carefully to your thoughts and reactions as we all consider together the best possible way forward on this essential legacy project.

On a final note, if you’ve ever been curious about our ministry on Death Row, tomorrow night is the perfect time to find out more. We have a quarterly meeting of all who participate in the ministry from 5:30 to 6:30 in the Upper Room. You can treat it as a ‘Come and See’ with no obligation at all.

