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Spiritual Leaders

Hello –

I want to briefly draw your attention to four ways people are being spiritual leaders of their own faith at St. Paul’s. But first, a public announcement. We are getting the parking lot sealed over the weekend so it will be closed for Sunday services. The lot across the street is available as always.

Here are three ways people are attending to Landmark #1 from our RenewalWorks Team, “becoming spiritual leaders of our own faith.”

Gospel of John. We have all been invited to read the gospel of John this season, and probably into the summer too. John is what we’re reading in our Wednesday Bible Study at 10am, and at least one new person has joined us. As Always, I recommend the HarperCollins Bible Commentary if you want a guide.

Prayer List. Chris O tends to our prayer list each week, Nancy S. and Brigitte M pray it through every day and our Thursday Discipleship Group prays it through together occasionally. Linda D put someone on the list recently and, although she was on the East Coast, heard some good news and wanted me to tell Nancy. I told Nancy and she cried for joy!

Discipleship Groups. There are pictures of everyone in 4 out of our 8 Discipleship Groups on the bulletin board by the conversation area of Duncan Hall. There are currently 35 people in the groups that are meant to encourage us in 7 Core Christian Practices. Talk to me if you’re interested.

Confirmation. Dylan, John, Kati, Zoe and Sara are getting ready to go to Grace Cathedral with hundreds of other Episcopalians to be confirmed by Bishop Marc. Pray for them as they make this public affirmation of their faith!

God is good.

p: (415) 456-4842