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Pageant, Prayer and Service

Hello –
Here are two things to attend to in the coming days and weeks:

1. Prayer will be my particular focus in the first quarter of 2020. The center of it will be on Ash Wednesday when, after the evening service I begin a Lenten series called With Gladness and Singleness of Heart by teaching a daily prayer “O God, send me this day to do the work you have given me to do, to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart.” I begin teaching Basic Discipleship, where I coach people into a rhythm ofdaily prayer each Saturday and Sunday morning for the next few weeks, starting Saturday the 18th at 8:30am or Sunday the 19th at 11:30am.
Here’s the link:

2. For this season of Epiphany, the RenewalWorks team is drawing our attention to the way in which we find Jesus in the lives of those we serve, particularly though our 5 Outreach ministries. Here’s a link to a sermon where I introduced this work by connecting our 5 Outreach Ministries to words in the Gospel of John- Light, Dwelt, Tabernacled and Bread.

Happy new year and see you Sunday.

p: (415) 456-4842