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Newsletter (Page 46)

Talking Politics

Hello – On Saturday night I made a last minute decision to host conversations about the election after both the 8am and the 10am service. I invited people to gather in the conversation area of St. Paul’s to talk about their thoughts and feelings. This was no small thing as we are not in the…

Finding Peace Post-Election

Hello – Where do you go to find peace now? I believe this long, ugly election process has been hard for everyone. I’ve already spoken with many of you and have received reports of all kinds of strong emotional responses to the events of the past several days. We are a sacred space for your…

A Message From Chloe Martin: Death Cafe 11/13

Pat Steuer and I will be hosting another Death Cafe at St. Paul’s on November 13th. We hope you’ll join us for cookies and conversation about death and dying, life and living. There’s no agenda–we just spend the time talking about what’s on the minds and hearts of the people gathered. It’s always interesting, sometimes…

A St. Paul’s Voter’s Guide

A St. Paul’s Voter’s Guide Hello – On Sunday I began my sermon by observing how disturbed this election season was making me. I am particularly alert to how easily it crowds into my prayer space. These days, I need to be extra alert to keep praying. I am also among those who struggles against…

Into November

In less than two weeks the election will finally be behind us. I am hopeful that we, as a culture, will be able to let go of much of this anxiety and anger that seems to be in the air and focus again on things closer to home and to our hearts. The Sunday after…

Good Deep Progress

Hello – There are a series of conversations going on right now at St. Paul’s each of which represent the slow, good, deep progress of St. Paul’s to greater health, strength and clarity. • The Hardin Courtyard. Thanks particularly to hard work by Larry and Pat, we are just weeks away from taking plans to…

Book Sale This Weekend

Hello – This weekend is the annual St. Paul’s Book Sale. Led by the St. Anne’s guild, on Saturday and Sunday we will be selling great books to benefit the ministry of St. Paul’s. The hours are Saturday from 10am to 3pm and Sunday from 9am to noon. Help is needed Thursday morning to set…

A Big Weekend

First of all, I’m pleased to announce that the debut of the Sunday afternoon experience this past weekend was a success. There were a dozen people at the 5pm Eucharist and it had a very sweet, mellow, sacred feel. We now have another option for worship in beauty of holiness. The Marin Episcopal Youth Group…

“Do Not Fear”

Hello – “As we experience change in our churches, we remember that God says, in word and sacrament, ‘do not fear.’” That sentence is one of seven sentences carefully crafted by the twelve priests-in-charge of the twelve Marin Episcopal Churches over the last two years. On Sunday afternoon at 6pm I have the honor of…