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Palm Sunday and Easter

We are entering into a sacred and special time of the Church Year.  We will pause from our normal kid’s programming and invite everyone to worship together over the next two weeks.

March 29
Palm Sunday- We remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem
10:00am service
Childcare available

April 2
Maundy Thursday- We remember the Last Supper
6:00pm dinner hosted by Grace Marin
7:30pm service

April 3
Good Friday- We remember that Jesus died on the cross
12:00pm service

April 4
Easter Vigil- We remember all of salvation history and then erupt with joy and light. The most important service of the year

April 5
Easter Morning- We remember that Jesus rose from the dead
10:00am family service
Childcare available
Easter Egg hunt and coffee hour following the service.  Please bring an Easter basket or bag

We look forward to celebrating these important days with you and encourage you to invite your friends and family to join us.