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Your Spiritual Inventory

Hello –

Starting this Sunday you will be invited to take a Spiritual Inventory. We ask you to take about half an hour and check a bunch of boxes in response to questions about your spiritual practice. The Inventory is anonymous. You will have just three weeks to fill it out.

The Spiritual Inventory is part of program called Renewal Works that has been used by hundreds of Episcopal Churches and thousands of Episcopalians. The result is both an opportunity for you to reflect on where you are in your spiritual path and a picture of where we all are together. That picture will help us all learn what our strengths are, what or growth areas are and what we might do together next.

This program is being led by Jacob and a team of 9 people. Just follow the link that will be sent to you and anonymously fill out the information. I have set the goal of 90 of us filling out this survey, which would give us a rich and deep sense of where we are together.

Please keep your eye out for a link to the survey. You can also come to St. Paul’s on Sunday or by appointment and use one of our computers here or, if that’s too much, fill out a paper copy.

Please fill out your Spiritual Inventory soon. There will be a glass vase in the entrance to Duncan Hall filling up with colorful balls to show how far we’re getting!

p: (415) 456-4842