Hello – A saying repeated often through the course of the Psalms is the admonition to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Since I came to St. Paul’s nearly twelve years ago that phrase has nicely summoned up our attitude to worship. Next Saturday, the 30th of January we are taking two hours,…
Dear Families, Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a nice week. Our plans for this Sunday will be to gather the children after the Collect and head to Duncan Hall. We will read a Bible story that relates to Sunday’s reading(s), as well as an art project around a dinner prayer. It is as follows,…
Dear Friends – I write to let you know that Walter D., a strong and faithful leader of St. Paul’s and a good man, died on Monday night at his home. Walter had been living with cancer for some time. It was a cancer that began in his neck. A couple of months ago his…
Dear Friend, How will you mark the season of Lent this year? As has been our custom since 2011, we offer the PrayWorshipServe Lenten challenge as an option. We challenge you to take a next step in your spiritual life by adopting a deeper rhythm of life: 20 minutes of prayer a day with scripture,…
Hello – The first quarter of 2016 is unusually full at St. Paul’s. Last week I sent a series of four emails that outlined many activities under the categories of ‘”Together,” “Prayer,” “Worship,” and “Service.” These four are words from our mission statement. This week, I send to you a simple calendar with the major…
Hello – This is the last of four daily emails that orient us for 2016. The four emails focus on four different key words in our mission statement which is “following Jesus together in prayer, worship and service.” Today I focus on “service.” “Service” means what Jesus points to in Matthew 25 when he says…
Hello – This is the third of four brief emails based on our mission to follow Jesus together in prayer, worship and service. Each email is based on a word in the mission statement. Today, we focus on our shared call to “worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” When we worship we do…
Hello – Because we have so many invitations for you to grow spiritually in the first two months of 2016, I am sending a series of four daily emails. Each email is organized around a key word of our mission, which is ‘following Jesus together in prayer, worship and service.’ Today, I focus on “prayer.”…
Hello – The first two months of 2016 at St. Paul’s are incredibly rich with opportunities for you to grow spiritually strong. Because there is so much, I am going to send you four brief emails in the next four days, each of which will be based on a word from our mission statement. Our…
Hello – This Sunday I begin teaching a newcomer class at 11:30am in the Upper Room. It continues through the Sundays in January and February. The last Sunday in February, the 28th, Chloe and I will be hosting an Open House at our home in San Anselmo at 4pm for all the parish, but with…