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A Message From Our SPRIF III Capital Campaign Co-chairs

An Essential Update

Hello –

Creating a courtyard that is safe accessible and beautiful is the major work of our generation for the St. Paul’s campus. Here’s the latest from our Capital Campaign co-chairs:

Thank You

Our SPRIF III Capital Campaign continues to march forward vigorously, and in many ways we are in a better place than expected at this time. That’s because of our wonderful St. Paul’s community! Thanks so much to those of you who have given so generously. We can not do this critical work to our courtyard and facilities without you. Here’s where we are to date:

As of January 25,pledges totaled $184,705 while actual receipts amounted to $159,848– a very good 85.5 percentof pledges. Under our lease with Marin Day School, we also receive $450 a month as an“Improvement Surcharge” to offset the cost of installing air conditioning at the School, and thisalso goes to SPRIF. To date, we have received $8,550 from this source, so the total of pledgesand receipts is now $193,255– just short of 2/3 of our goal of $300,000. That’s the good news, and it’s very good indeed. Throughout this time, however, we’ve had expenses. We’ve advanced about $100,000 for the School’s air conditioning system, whichallowed us to obtain a generous 10 year lease with them. We’ve invested a bit less than $10,000in the plans that will form the basis for our permit applications to the city for our new courtyardand parking lot. The bottom line is that we have a lot less than the $150,000 in SPRIF cash thatwe estimate we’ll need to complete the project. SPRIF really needs that additional $100,000we’ve targeted as our goal.

Our SPRIF III committee is working diligently to get it. We’re gathering data now on how best to makeapplications to banks and family foundations that might be interested in our work. We’reresearching how we might use crowdfunding as a revenue source. We’ll soon be meeting withdiocesan officials on additional strategies. And those of you who have not yet made a SPRIFpledge or donation will be seeing a “please, pretty please” letter from us soon, as well. Pleaseread it and be generous.Finally, unless we experience permit or construction delay, we still hope to break groundon the courtyard work in late April or May. Any contributions you can make beforegroundbreaking will be particularly appreciated.

We are truly blessed to be part of this wonderful St. Paul’s community. Thank you for helping us preserve this historic treasure that plays such an important role in all of our lives, including many within the Marin community. Every day we get one step closer to providing a safe and sacred space for generations to come.

Maggie Baxter and Jay Luther