Hello – I miss you! I’ve had the pleasure of checking-in with a bunch of you via the good-old telephone these last couple of weeks, and while it’s wonderful to hear your voices, it’s just not the same! But this is what we must live with for the foreseeable future and so we must make…
Hello – In a few weeks, if everything goes according to plan, we will begin Courtyard Worship at 8am on Sundays at St. Paul’s. We will also continue to offer Distance Worship at 10am, coming from inside the Church. We are being very cautious and thoughtful as we prepare to offer the first Courtyard Worship…
Hello – This Sunday we say our monthly prayer for all who have a birthday of an anniversary in the month of June. If either of these things is true of you, please email me at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com and I’ll be sure to read your name and we’ll all be sure to pray a prayer of thanksgiving…
Hello – Your Vestry, the governing board of St. Paul’s, has met unofficially almost every Saturday since shelter-in-place has begun. They have been meeting with me and the RenewalWorks Group, which happens to have four people who used to be Senior Warden, that is, the lay head of the Vestry. However, none of these meetings…
Hello – Today is the memorial service in Minneapolis for George Floyd. Please join me in praying for the repose of his soul, for comfort for his family and friends and for guidance for us all. “O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered: Accept our prayers on behalf of thy servant George, and grant him…
Hello – We’ve got 20 folks signed up for the Great Commandment Groups and it looks like we’re set from some great discussions of who our neighbor is now and how we are to love them. We’ve extended the deadline to sign up until noon tomorrow. Please follow the link below and answer the quick…
Hello – Starting in June there will be small groups of 4 to 6 people that meet weekly for 6 weeks to ask “who is my neighbor in this time of pandemic, and how am I to love them?” The meetings takes place at a time and with a technology or in a place safe…
Hello – Three links for your Sunday morning. 1. Go to www.stpauslsanrafael.org to join worship this morning at 9am. Next week, and for the summer, the distance worship shifts to 10am. 2. Go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/91813976465 to join coffee hour at 9:50am. Coffee hour will start 10:50 beginning next week. 3. Go to https://forms.gle/ysF8tBnL6wHzWhWo7 to answer 4 logistical questions and so…
Hello – In May, I’ve been focusing on Prayer. In June, we start Great Commandment Groups, focus on Service and, God and the County of Marin willing, start Courtyard Worship at 8am on Sundays. So we have some good things coming down the pike. But we always strive to keep a balance. We follow Jesus together in worship,…
Hello – • If you have a birthday or anniversary in May, email me so we can pray for you by name on Sunday. c.h.mrtn@gmail.com. • A week from Sunday, on May 31st, Distance Worship will be at 10am and, as has been our tradition on Pentecost, will be shared worship with Nativity. From then on,…