Hello – I invite you to participate in a simple way to keep us connected in this time of pandemic. Please email Lorrie at lbugatto@stpaulssanrafael.org if you would be willing to write 5 postcards to other active members of St. Paul’s. If you write Lorrie, next week she will send you a packet with 5 postcards…
Birthdays and Anniversaries (Plus) Hello – Betty Hardin and I share the same August birthday! Who else is celebrating a birthday or anniversary this month? Please shoot me an email at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com so I can read your name aloud at the 10am distance worship on Sunday and say a prayer for you. The Rev. Lynn Oldham-Robinett…
Hello – Come by St. Paul’s today, Tuesday, between 10am and 2pm to get your St. Paul’s pillar candle. It is a white candle with a candle decal with an image of our rosette window. It is yours to take home and light when you pray with your brothers and sisters in Christ at St.…
Hello – Here’s the link to sign up for the next round of six week small groups, which start next week. Please complete by the end of the day Wednesday. It just takes a minute: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYzDBNfhwn7coDl-XZwbcj2_rRRaiQdJ3AlILQCiwCW0gTYg/viewform And here’s a more full description: A Pilgrim’s Journey: Six-Week Small Groups Join three to four other Marin Episcopalians…
Hello – Tonight, Chloe begins a new weekly ritual- Compline at 9pm on Wednesday nights. Here’s her message: • You’re invited to join Christopher and me as we pray the Compline service from the Book of Common Prayer. We’ll start at 9:00 pm on Wednesdays, and the service takes just about 15 minutes. There’s time…
Hello – We are settling in for the long haul in pandemic conditions. With that reality in your heart and mind, please consider the following: 1. Courtyard Worship began last Sunday and it was truly a holy experience. It was half an hour long and very safe. You no longer need to sign up to…
Hello – The link in this morning’s email was incorrect. Here’s the proper one: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYzDBNfhwn7coDl-XZwbcj2_rRRaiQdJ3AlILQCiwCW0gTYg/viewform And here’s a more full description: A Pilgrim’s Journey: Six-Week Small Groups Join three to four other Marin Episcopalians for weekly meetings to explore how the classic pilgrim’s Psalms, 120-134, apply to your life as a Christian. With others, discover…
Hello – Five months into the pandemic we at St. Paul’s continue to try new ways to keep us connected as we follow Jesus together in worship, prayer and service. There are three efforts in August. 1. This Sunday at 8am we begin Courtyard Worship. Space is limited to 20 people. If you’d like to…
Hello – This Sunday we begin Courtyard Worship at 8am on Sundays. By order of Marin County, outdoor worship must be limited to 25 people. We have 2 worship leaders and, to ensure safety, 3 ushers. That leaves just 20 spaces. If you would like to join us this Sunday, please follow the following link to…
Hello – Tomorrow at the 10am Worship Service we pray for all who have birthdays or anniversaries in July. So far, I have three wedding anniversaries and two birthdays. Email me at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com if you’d like your name to be on the list I read tomorrow morning! Blessings, Christopher p: (415) 456-4842