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Lent Begins

Lent Begins

Hello –

That Christian season of Lent, a season of preparation for Easter, begins to morrow. The 40 days of Lent are an echo of Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness at the beginning of his public ministry.

Here are five things at St. Paul’s this week, in reverse order, to help you embrace a holy Lent.

1. Who Do You Say That I Am? Join me next Tuesday at 7pm either in Duncan Hall or on Zoom. I’m going to give a very brief introduction to St. Paul and then share three writings of his that introduced me to the Jesus I know and love. You’ll then have the opportunity to explore Paul with others and how he might introduce Jesus to you in a new way.

2. Learning the Book of Common Prayer. This Sunday, after church, join me in the conversation area of Duncan Hall where I will share what the BCP gives us for Lent. There are many resources in the BCP, not least the set of gorgeous liturgies.

3. Bagged Lunches for Vinnies. Join Mike G and others at 4:30pm tomorrow, Wednesday, to make 100 bagged lunches for our homeless neighbors.

4. Ash Wednesday Services are tomorrow at noon and 6pm.

5. Lenten Reading for me and about a dozen other folks is The Sacrament of the Present Moment. Here’s the link on Amazon and here’s the link on Zoom if you’d like to join me for half an hour of check-in on Fridays in Lent at 8:30am, starting this Friday.

As I will be saying in tomorrow’s liturgy, “I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent.”

Finally, great thanks to Jessica R., the leader of our Fat Tuesday Fest, and to our three great cooks from Louisiana, Chris T,. Candy C. and Matt S.! Including the musicians there were 12 newcomers there!
 Blessings, Christopher
p: (415) 456-4842