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Leader of Your Own Faith This Easter

Hello –

At St. Paul’s we invite you to become a spiritual leader of your own faith. With that invitation in mind, here are three next steps, in reverse chronological order:

1. Confirmation. In the four Sundays in May, join a group preparing to be Confirmed, Received or Re-arrirmed as an Episcopalian on Saturday, June 1st at Grace Cathedral. These four session, from 11:30am to 12:30pm will answer your basic questions about being a part of St. Paul’s and the Episcopalian way of being a follower of Jesus.

2. Call. On Saturday, May 4th at 8:30am we explore a sentence together that invites us to do the work God has given us to do. It is “by God’s grace, I will listen for God’s call this week, remembering that Jesus says ‘just as the Father has sent me, so I send you.’” The sentence is for anyone to use and is integrated into a central element of St. Paul’s, small groups we call Discipleship Groups.

3. Contemplation. This Saturday, April 27th the Rev. Terry O’Ryan, a Paulist priest and a student of Thomas Keating, the popularizer of Centering Prayer, will be leading a morning retreat on Christian contemplation. Come learn the basics and experience this invigorating practice.

Our two Bible Studies, on Wednesdays at 10am and on Thursdays at 6:15pm will be off this week. They resume on May 1st and 2nd. On Wednesdays we are reading the Gospel of John, and on Thursdays the prophet Isaiah. You are welcome to come and see.

p: (415) 456-4842