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Launching the Fall at St. Paul’s

Hello –

I’m back from a rich summer experience with time to be with many family and friends, time to relax and time to pursue some creative projects. Already, I’ve had the opportunity to reconnect with many of you and look forward to seeing many more of you this Sunday.

I write to give you a guide to the two weeks when we launch our fall program at St. Paul’s. It begins with a baseball game and ends with a party at our house!

Sunday 8/30- Right after the 10am service we are all invited to either walk or drive over to Albert Park and watch the last home baseball game of the Pacifics starting at 1:05. Our choir will be singing the national anthem.

Tuesday 9/1- At 7:30am Morning Prayer begins again and at 12:30 we begin a Bible Study of the New Testament book of Hebrews.

Wednesday 9/2- At 10am we begin a Bible Study of the first book of the Bible, Genesis.

Saturday 9/12- From 9am to Noon we will be hosting and leading a Discipleship Group Workshop for people from around the Bay Area. This is a repeat of the successful workshop we offered in the spring.

Sunday 9/13- The 10am Service will begin our monthly rhythm of the second Sunday as Family Sunday. That afternoon, we’ll be hosting an Open House from 4pm to 6pm for all St. Paul’s at our house.

So…. Baseball Game, Morning Prayer, Hebrews, Genesis, Discipleship Group Workshop, Family Sunday and an Open House. It looks to be a lively, engaging and community building fall at St. Paul’s. I hope you had a lovely summer and I look forward to catching up with you personally.


p: (415) 456-4842