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Easter Morning at Virtual St. Paul’s

Hello –

Last Sunday, a parishioner was watching the Palm Sunday service when his spouse walked in, looked at the screen and said “Wow! That’s beautiful!”

After the service, two musicians wrote Mike Struck and said that the sound of the organ was “perfect.”

Thanks to Jacob, we are now broadcasting a high quality service, that evokes the warmth of our wood, the gorgeous colors and the beauty of sound in our sacred space.

And thanks to the generosity of many, the altar the Sunday will be surrounded by flowers.

Join us this Sunday at 9am to celebrate the joy and wonder of the resurrection of our Lord- a message we need so deeply in these disorienting times.

How to Join in Sunday Worship Online
No Facebook account is required to view the livestream.

If this will be the first time you join us, please know that Facebook will try to get you to join, if you haven’t already. Feel free to ignore it and simply come to the page and worship with us.

The service will be followed by a big Zoom meeting where we are all invited to show up with something colorful- a hat, an egg, a basket, a drawing. It will be so good to see everyone’s faces! We’ll do a quick round of “hello, my name is….,” shout the A word together that we haven’t been allowed to say in Lent and that’s it! We will do our best to send Zoom invites to all. Email me at if you want to be sure and get an invite.

Please join us this Sunday. And keep watch for invitations, starting tomorrow, for Stations of the Cross, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

p: (415) 456-4842