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DeWitt and Nora Deringer

Leading up to St. Paul’s 150th anniversary, let’s take a look at some of the former church members. Looking around the church we see many plaques that name former members of the congregation who are memorialized by their gifts to the glory of God and in remembrance of loved ones.

This stained glass window is the furthest back on the left side of St. Paul’s Church. It depicts the story of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. The window was given in memory of DeWitt C. and Nona Deringer. The couple moved to Marin County from Colorado around 1930. The had three children: DeWitt Jr., Caroline and Margaret.

DeWitt Sr. was quite the innovator. In 1933 he and a partner opened the El Centro Market in San Anselmo. The market was located at Red Hill Ave. And Sequoia Dr.

The El Centro Market was the first drive-in market in Marin County. The specially built market was open to the street with a large variety of fruits and vegetables as well as other groceries. On the day the market opened, the Texas Wranglers, well known
radio performers appeared to attract customers. Soon it was announced that the El Centro Market would be open twenty-four hours to serve customers night and day.

DeWitt Deringer died in 1945 and his wife, Nona died in 1953. Her funeral was held at St. Paul’s. Nona was born in England an it is interesting how many of St. Paul’s former congregation had ties to England.

~Joy Moss