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Christmas at St. Paul’s

Hello –

You are welcome to come to Christmas at St. Paul’s!

Here’s a review of our upcoming events to share with your friends and neighbors:

Christmas Eve service is at 5pm and lasts about an hour. It’s got the classic readings and all the classic music. Our sacred space is particularly inviting and warm in the dark of Christmas Eve. Come and experience the wonder and the mystery of the birth of Jesus.

Christmas Morning service is at 10am and is quiet and meditative, although it also includes some classic Christmas Carols. It is followed by the annual Potluck feast that Chloe and I have hosted for many years. We bring a ham and a typically joined by 25-30 folks who are encouraged to bring a side or dessert.

The Epiphany Pageant is Sunday, January 7th at 10am. Newcomer kiddos are invited to join the regulars as we put on a classic Christmas Pageant with shepherds, angels, sheep, wise ones and the Holy family. You just need to arrive earlier in the morning to try on costumes and for a quick run-through. Contact Kati at to sign up.

Bonus: Transcending Contempt, my six part seminar to help us each become beacons of light and love in what is sure to be a brutal election year, starts Saturday, January 6th at 8:30am with hospitality and then 9am with the first session. Go to our website at or our YouTube Channel (just type in St. Paul’s, San Rafael) to find out more.

Blessings, Christopher

p: (415) 456-4842