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Newsletter (Page 7)

Giving Thanks

Hello – Happy Thanksgiving! Although this great American holiday isn’t on the liturgical calendar, it is certainly congenial for Christians. As we say every Sunday “it is right to give God thanks and praise.” I hope this Thursday is a rich and meaningful one for you, with friends, family and good food. And I pray…

Share Transcending Contempt

Hello – At the back of the church we now have a stack of beautiful postcards, designed by Jessica, that promote my January seminar, Transcend Contempt. Not only do I hope you plan to come starting Saturday, January 6th at 8:30am, I hope you invite your neighbors and friends. Those of us who are already…

We Vote in One Year

Hello – In one year it will be the first Tuesday in November of 2024, a Presidential election year. We can expect a very noisy year, filled with anger, fear and contempt before we have the opportunity to vote. How can we be better than all that? My best response is to offer a seminar after the first…

Two More Full Weekends

Hello – We continue our busy pace of events that confirm our identity as a good Christian community. • This Saturday is Jack “Bless Your Bones” Beggs funeral at 2pm. It will be followed by a reception featuring the delicious food of Chef Cynthia. This will be a true community event and we expect a remarkably big…

Please Don’t Open Your Thank You

Hello – On Wednesday I sent out a thank you note, with a personal handwritten note, to each of you who participated in Consecration Sunday. It just came to me attention that, due to a computer glitch, the addresses don’t match the names on the cover of the envelopes. Please return those thank you letters…

The Next Two Weekends

Hello – The next two weekends are filled with events that represent who we are. Saturday, the 28th. Kate, Diana and Kati will be at a table on 4th Street for the annual downtown Trick or Treat event. They’ll have a large, beautiful poster, and cards and candy to pass out, all proclaiming the good news of…

The Text Isn’t From Me (Plus)

Hello – This morning many of you may have received a text from a 667 number pretending to be from me saying I “urgently need a favor from you.” It’s a scam. Please don’t respond. This happens regularly to me and to all my clergy colleagues. Please don’t ever share anything with these folks who…

Five Things

Hello – Five things to know about over the next couple of weeks. 1. Tomorrow, Wednesday, we make 100 bagged lunches for our homeless neighbors. Come at 4:30pm to Duncan Hall and join the productive crew! 2. Thursday our 6pm Zoom Bible Study begins to read the New Testament book of Hebrews. Already, two new people are joining…

Funeral, Hebrews and Growth

Hello – Three things to bear in mind. 1. Jane S’s funeral is this Saturday at 11am and Larry wants you to know that you are invited. Jane was a matriarch of St. Paul’s and loved by us all. I will proudly be wearing the vestments she made for the service. A reception, put on…

Two Pieces of Paper

Hello – Today I’d like to invite you to follow me in filling out two pieces of paper and returning them to the church. 1. You likely received or will soon receive an letter with an RSVP card for brunch on October 8th, Consecration Sunday. Please fill it out and return it whether or not…