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August at St. Paul’s

Hello –

Here are farthings to know about August at St. Paul’s:

1. The Back to School Barbecue is a week from Sunday, on August 20th, immediately following worship. Not only will there be great food and music, and we’ll also be offering a super easy way for you to express support to each of our students as they begin another year. And also…

2. Lorrie will be on hand to help you get on board with our new photo directory. We have developed a printed directory with photos of nearly everyone and the most essential contact information. But the cool thing is that all of this can also be available on your phone! Next Sunday, work with Lorrie to make sure your own information is how you want it and that you can get the access you want to stay connected with your St. Paul’s community.

3. Our beloved Nancy Skinner died last month and the celebration of her life is this Sunday from 11am to 2pm at the Marin Art and Garden Center. Nancy was devoted to St. Paul’s, adored our worship and, for many years, was the careful and deeply prayerful steward of our intercessionary prayer list. She prayed daily and with deep care and attention for the whole list of people. I miss her and Chloe and I will be going to her celebration of life after church on Sunday. Please consider coming along too.

3. Lunches for St. Vincent’s. On Wednesday, August 22, we’ll be making 50 lunches for St. Vincent’s to share with our hungry neighbors! 4:30pm in Duncan Hall. We need all the help we can get – please join us!

Blessings, Christopher
p: (415) 456-4842