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You and a Small Group

Hello –

I am dying to get back into a regular small group and this week is my chance!

As you may know, we have had two rounds of six-week long small groups this year. The first one focused on the Great Commandment and had a focus on loving our neighbor in the time of pandemic. The second has focused on Psalms to help us on our spiritual pilgrimage.

This week, we start a new round of small groups, and this time,  we have a choice. To sign up for the groups, simply follow the link below and fill out the form by Wednesday at the end of the day. It takes just a minute. By the end of next week we’ll have you in a group, probably of four or five people, that would meet weekly for an hour on Zoom or via the phone. Here’s the link:

And here’s the description of the two kinds of groups:

St. Paul’s and Nativity invite you to join new small groups beginning in mid-October. Please respond by October 14th, even though some groups may start later in the month.  We will renew this invitation again in January if you are not ready to start in a small group now.

There are two options.  You are welcome to join one or both types of small group.

Option 1:  A Christian Support Group meeting from mid-October until the end of Advent.

Built on a foundation of confidentiality and commitment to our Baptismal Covenant,  these groups would begin each session with the Examen (a prayer practice of noticing when we were closest and furthest from God over the past week) and would conclude with the Lord’s Prayer. In the context of the meeting, the group can decide to read and reflect on the psalms, on a book or simply use the time for Holy Listening to what is happening in each of the member’s lives.  These groups can be an extension of the types of small groups we have done as “Great Commandment Groups, or Pilgrims’ Journey with the Psalms of Ascent”.

Option 2:  A Discipleship Group meeting for “this season of our lives” (an indeterminate period at the will of the group members.)

Built on a foundation of confidentiality and commitment to supporting one another in spiritual growth, these groups would spend a few weeks on the Examen and then spend several weeks exploring the Seven Vows (core Christian practices) and then turn towards sharing each person’s spiritual autobiography. After these weeks, the group will determine their own practice using the Seven Vows as a framework for their meetings.  If you would like learn more about these groups, consider attending Rev. Christopher’s Introduction to Discipleship Groups on Sunday, October 11th at 2 p.m. on Zoom.  St. Paul’s Host is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Intro to D Groups
Time: Oct 11, 2020 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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A representative from each group will be invited to join the “Quaranteam”, a weekly meeting to find out what is happening in the groups and learn from one another.

I can’t wait to get back in a D Group! Those who have joined the small groups so far have found them to be real spiritual anchors in this time of pandemic. Jump in! And don’t worry, there will be another round of new groups starting up after the first of the year.

p: (415) 456-4842