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The 3 Great Sacred Days

Hello –

The most important things to know if you’re a Christian are the whole, rich story we remember in the next three days. Nothing can deepen your faith more than walking in the way of these three days by going to the three most important church services of the year.

I know that’s a bold claim but I happen to believe it wholeheartedly. This year, I have the privilege of preaching at all three services and it has been very moving to prepare the sermons and imagine sharing them and the whole of each of those liturgies with you.

7:30pm Thursday- Maundy Thursday. Dinner served by Grace Marin starting at 6pm.

12:00pm Friday- Good Friday Service

7:30pm Saturday- Easter Vigil. (Until Just after 9:00pm)

May you have a blessed Triduum, the ancient name for the 3 Great Sacred days.

The Easter morning services are at 8am and 10am. The latter service is followed by an Easter Egg hunt and a sumptuous coffee hour courtesy of our great hosts, Pierce and Diana!


p: (415) 456-4842