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Pentecost: This Sunday 10:30 at Nativity

Hello –

This Sunday our later service will be at 10:30am at Nativity Church at 333 Ellen Drive, just off of the intersection of Las Gallinas and Lucas Valley Road in Terra Linda.

Why 10:30am? Because we know that some people will come to St. Paul’s at 10. That way they can still make the service. Nativity is just 7 minutes from St. Paul’s.

We will have the 8am service at St. Paul’s as usual and the Spiritual Forum at 9am. We’re just starting to read TS Eliot’s 4 Quartets. They are fabulous and already provoking some very cool discussions.

The service at Nativity, which we will also share with the folks from Redeemer, will be followed by a pot luck. Plenty of food is already planned so please come whether you bring something or not.

Finally, please do take the very short Annual Self-Assessment. You get a picture of where you are in relation to 7 Core Christian Practices. Taking the survey helps us help you. Here’s the link.

See you Sunday for Pentecost. Wear red!

p: (415) 456-4842