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Order Easter Flowers

Dear Friend,

This promises to be a very rich and exciting Holy Week at St. Paul’s. There is a lot of energy and excitement in our community right now as we commit ourselves to follow Jesus together in the practices of worship, prayer, and service. I feel certain that God will bless us in some amazing ways during this most important week of the Christian year.

Easter Sunday services are always a delight, but they take on extra depth and meaning if we have taken the time to make the full journey through Holy Week. Please consider joining us for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday (with a 6pm dinner prior hosted by our friends at Grace Marin) and Good Friday. These services prepare us to receive with great joy the wonderful Good News of God’s triumph over death at Easter.

At the bottom of this letter, please find the link to the dedication form for the Easter Altar Flowers. If you would like to have flowers given in memory of someone you love, please fill out the form. There is no specific dollar amount required for the flowers. Please either send in the form and your check by mail or bring it in on a Sunday to put in the offering plate.

It is such a joy to serve you. I eagerly await this year’s Holy Week adventure with you.



Please print the form by clicking here and return it by March 18th, 2016.