Hello – I imagine that we’re all attending to events in Ukraine and wondering what to do. One response that can also lead to other concrete actions is to pray. If you would like to pray with others, parishioner Richard O. is starting half hour long prayer gathering on Zoom on Friday mornings at 7:30am through Lent. If…
Hello – Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season of reflection. Come at noon or 6:30pm for a brief eucharist service with the imposition of ashes and the powerful words “remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Here, passed along to me from my friend Tom, are some words…
Hello – There are three big events in the next two weeks. Here they are in reverse order: Learn to Love in 2022. Wednesdays, March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6; 7-8 p.m. In-person in Duncan Hall or on zoomhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/91813976465. Strengthen your love of God through exploration of two poems and a short chapter of…
Hello – I am personally “all in” for two major, new, creative efforts at St. Paul’s in 2022. One is an outward focused effort. We are on what we are calling a runway for growth. Three things are coming up soon that are already demanding the best of my talents and skills, all in concert…
Hello – From time to time we have rallied to make lunches for the clients served by the St. Vincent DePaul Society in downtown San Rafael. This weekend, thanks to Kati, you have the opportunity to chip in and make a bagged lunch. Here’s Kati’s message: “It’s that time again, when we can make lunches…
Hello – First of all, thank you all for a truly significant Annual Meeting. I think it became clear to all that we are in good shape and are well on our way along the runway for growth. Here are a few things to know: •This Sunday, in the worship service, I begin a four…
Hello – First of all, a quick reminder that Evensong is at 7pm tonight in the church and I’ll be including prayers in recognition that this week is the 25th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. As to the long title of this email, those three phrases are the three things we will attempt to demonstrate…
Hello – 25 years ago this week I was ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church at Christ Church Cathedral in Hartford, Connecticut. It was a beautiful ceremony and Chloe found a packet of pictures (with the negatives) to remind us of the occasion. Part of the celebration this week will be Evensong, one of my favorite…
Hello – Allow me to add just one more event, the first to take place. A week from today, the choir and I will sing Evensong in our Sacred Space at 7pm. Come and be still and listen to one of the great treasures of the Anglican Christian tradition. Also, I should point out that Ash…
Hello – Our year is slowly building steam. Here’s what you can expect in the next month plus at St. Paul’s • February 6th, Sunday, is the Annual Meeting. This essential one hour gathering will be both in person and on Zoom starting shortly after the 10am service. That Sunday marks the first full presentation…