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Great Commandment Groups

Hello –

We’ve got 20 folks signed up for the Great Commandment Groups and it looks like we’re set from some great discussions of who our neighbor is now and how we are to love them. We’ve extended the deadline to sign up until noon tomorrow. Please follow the link below and answer the quick logistical questions to sign up.

Jacob, Kirsten and I will assign a leader for each group, meet with this leaders this Saturday, and then the leaders will convene the groups at a time and in a way that works for all. Here’s the description from the sign up:

In the crisis, isolation and opportunity created by the COVID19 pandemic, Nativity and St. Paul’s will convene small groups of parishioners from our two congregations to pray, reflect, lament and plan.   Small groups of 4-6 people will meet weekly for six weeks to support one another in spiritual conversations about deepening our faithful commitment to Jesus’ great commandment: “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. . . and to love your neighbor as yourself” in our new context.  Each hour-long session will open with spiritual reflection, offer an opportunity to “check-in” on what is happening in our lives followed by a focused discussion about an aspect of the Great Commandment and will conclude with brief prayers for ourselves, our neighbors and our world.

p: (415) 456-4842