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Evensong (Plus 4)

Hello –

Five things:

1. Dear St. Paul’s community.  Please join the mini-quarantine choir for Evensong on October 25 at 5 PM.  The theme of this service is Peace and Light for our nation and the election of a new President.  The service will be full of music, chant, and light.  It will be transmitted live on Facebook.  Please join us as we pray for our nation.  A special thanks to Mike our choir director and Jacob Moody for volunteering to help us be able to put the service live on Facebook.  See you Sunday at 5 PM. Led by our seminarian, Peter Vazquez-Schmitt.

2. It’s not too late to send me names of those who had birthdays and anniversaries in September and October at

3. You should have gotten a mailing from St. Paul’s this week. But we know there are strange gaps in our mailing list right now. If you didn’t get a letter, please email me at with your current address.

4. Some who did get the mailing were a little confused. When do we get the card to fill out on Consecration Sunday, which is November 8th. The answer is the week before, when I will be sending a letter to each of you. In it will be a card folded in half and sealed with instruction to open it at the end of worship. Then, you can either bring it yourself to place on the altar at St. Paul’s or we will come and pick it up from you. (The same is true of communion and lunch- either you come get them yourself or we will deliver them.)

5. A week from this Sunday is November 1st, which is All Saints. On this Sunday, every year we read the list of all who have died in the last year in our extended St. Paul’s family. This list is called the Necrology.The base line of the list is all we have prayed for on our prayer list over the last year. If you would like to be sure that someone you lost in the last year is on that last, please email me at

p: (415) 456-4842