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Newsletter (Page 52)


Hello – This is the third of four brief emails based on our mission to follow Jesus together in prayer, worship and service. Each email is based on a word in the mission statement. Today, we focus on our shared call to “worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” When we worship we do…


Hello – Because we have so many invitations for you to grow spiritually in the first two months of 2016, I am sending a series of four daily emails. Each email is organized around a key word of our mission, which is ‘following Jesus together in prayer, worship and service.’ Today, I focus on “prayer.”…


Hello – The first two months of 2016 at St. Paul’s are incredibly rich with opportunities for you to grow spiritually strong. Because there is so much, I am going to send you four brief emails in the next four days, each of which will be based on a word from our mission statement. Our…

Newcomer Class Begins Sunday

Hello – This Sunday I begin teaching a newcomer class at 11:30am in the Upper Room. It continues through the Sundays in January and February. The last Sunday in February, the 28th, Chloe and I will be hosting an Open House at our home in San Anselmo at 4pm for all the parish, but with…

Brief Invitations for January

Hello – After the baby is born the baby grows up. You, too are invited to grow up as a human being and as a Christian. Here are five ways you can take a next step in your spiritual life starting in January. • PrayWorshipServe is the rhythm of life at St. Paul’s. We pray…

4 Ways to Give

Hello – Here are four easy ways, in the next few days to give. 1. Give your voice. Come to the San Rafael Health Care Center, on 5th across from Marin Academy, for a half hour of singing Christmas Carols this afternoon (Saturday) at 2pm. [Note that this already occurred 12/19.] 2. Give your unused…

Calendar Time

Hello – This is a season where it’s easy to feel like a fully saturated sponge, not able to take in any more. I know I frequently feel that way. But because of the cycles of the moon, which determine the date of Easter, everything comes pretty thick and fast after the first of the…

Blue Christmas Service Tonight

Hello – Tonight I plan to experience a ‘Blue Christmas’ service for the first time and I invite you to come with me. For many years, many of our sister churches have had these ‘Blue Christmas’ holiday services. These quiet services are intended to console those for whom December can be a sad time. Tonight,…

A Rich Array

Hello – In the weeks ahead St. Paul’s offers a rich array of experiences to help you follow Jesus in prayer, worship and service. • This Sunday is the debut of our new Children’s Choir. They’ve been practicing every Friday afternoon and will even practice twice this week to prepare. Come and rejoice in this…