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Newsletter (Page 11)

Seven Events

Hello – Here are seven events at St. Paul’s between now and the end of the year: 1. Sandwiches for Vinnies. Join Mike G. and others to make bagged lunches for homeless folks in Duncan Hall on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 23rd. Email mike at 2. Write Christmas Cards to Prisoners. Join Erin, Nancy and me in…

Lunch this Saturday

Hello – This Saturday, Chloe and I host a lunch to honor the St. Anne’s Guild. It will be in Duncan Hall and begin at 11:30am and conclude by 1:30pm. Joy Moss, our church historian, is preparing a display of notices and mementos from the last 80 years of the ministry of the Guild. Chloe…

Brigitte’s Memorials

Hello – After a brief struggle with lung cancer, our dear sister Brigitte McCulloch died a week ago Sunday. There will be a celebration of life this Sunday afternoon at Point Reyes Station and a Memorial service with Eucharist and choir at St. Paul’s on Saturday, November 5th at 10am. Here’s the information from the…

Two Things

Hello – Two things. 1. This Sunday we’ll be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries for BOTH September and October. Please email me at if you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary in either of those two months. 2. Next weekend is the Book Faire, the last great event of the St. Anne’s Guild. There are lots of…

Purify Your Heart

Hello – This morning’s gospel was the perfect set up to talk about the work we’re doing together on Wednesday evenings. Jesus’ hard teachings about loving God above all, following Jesus by picking up our cross makes us ask, how? Reading one of Kierkegaard’s essay, Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing, out loud with other…

Packets and Zoom Link for Kierkegaard

Hello – I just sent packets and the Zoom link to Joanne, Jay, Carol and Joe for tomorrow night’s class introducing Kierkegaard. It’s at 7pm both on Zoom and in person. If you intend to join via Zoom, or would simply like the packets ahead of time, please email me at After a first session…

Learn to Love with Soren

Learn to Love with Soren Hello – This Wednesday, learn to love by beginning the process of reading aloud 16 pages of Soren Kierkegaard starting this Wednesday, August 31st, at 7pm either in person in Duncan Hall or on Zoom. If you’re joining on Zoom, email me at to get both the Zoom link and a PDF of…

Fun BBQ Sunday 11:30am-1:00pm

Hello – This Sunday is our fun BBQ featuring Jazz in the courtyard from a youth quintet and stations in Duncan Hall where people of all ages can write message of love and support to the people of Ukraine. One of the jazz musicians comes from a Ukrainian family. Thank you to each of you…


Hello – On Friday, I tested positive for COVID. Since then I’ve been home isolating with mild symptoms. Chloe is testing negative and we’re taking all due precautions to make sure she stays that way. If you and I were together on Wednesday or Thursday, please be sure and take a COVID test yourself. I intend to…