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Bathrooms are Closed and Katie on TV

Hello –

The bathrooms by Duncan Hall and the upstairs office are again temporarily unusable.

The bathrooms at the top of the stairs in the education wing can still be used but accessibility is an issue.

We have the plumbers coming as soon as possible to fix the problem, but it may be some days. We just replaced the pipes going through the building. Now it turns out we need to replace the pipes running under the Redwood garden too.

In better news, here are the times you can watch the bit about Katie winning the Jefferson prize for volunteerism. Here is the TV coverage schedule for Katie on KPIX. Wed 5/1 5pm, Th 5/2 12 noon, Sat 5/4 6am. Radio KCBS 5/1 650p, 940p, 1150p, 66 1150a, 350p.

p: (415) 456-4842