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Posts by Communications Manager (Page 70)

Coming Down the Pike

Hello – The richest week of the church year starts in just ten days. Below is a run down of the major events into early April. But first, two service announcements. One, you’re invited to stay after church this Sunday and make Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday. Two, please start bringing in your used books…

Four Themes for 2015

Hello – This Saturday is our annual Vestry Retreat, the time when the elected leaders of our parish, its Board of Directors, takes time away to look at the longer view. For the fourth year in a row we will be hosted by our neighbors at Nativity on their beautiful hilltop campus. The members of…

The Two Ds

Hello – Yes, that’s right. Daylight Savings and Discipleship Groups. See you tomorrow at 9am with the measure that’s already on your smart phone. It begins two hours to explore the thing that’s at the heart of what we do and who we are. See you Sunday after the mother ship that controls your little…

What You Get from a D-Group

Hello – This Saturday from 9am to 11am is a two hour workshop and ‘Come and See’ experience at St. Paul’s about Discipleship Groups. Discipleship Groups are small groups that are structured to help you mature as a Christian. We have five of them at St. Paul’s, some of which are open to new people.…


Hello – Thirteen years ago I spent a weekend at a church and it changed my life. I write to invite you to come to St. Paul’s next Saturday, the 7th of March, for a two hour experience that I hope will give you some small taste of what I experienced thirteen years ago. The…

Lent Has Begun

Lent Has Begun Hello – Lent is a season of great power and richness. Embracing the experience of Lent is one of the most valuable things we can do if we want to embrace the fullness of what it means to be Christian. With that in mind, I want to share with you words that…

Ash Wednesday

Hello – Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Christian season of Lent. Lent is a period of forty days of spiritual preparation for Holy Week. The custom is to assume some practice to mark the season. Some give up something such as a food or alcohol. Others add something like daily scripture reading…