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Posts by Communications Manager (Page 60)

The Six Necessary Dimensions

Hello – So far I’ve had five great small group conversations about the necessary dimensions for a rigorous church. We’ve had discussions at two Sunday Spiritual Forums and have taken time at each of our three weekly Bible Studies. The last of these planned open conversations is tomorrow night, Wednesday, at 5:30pm in the Upper…

News From Kati

Please let us know if you’d like to join us on May 15th to 5th Avenue to sing for the residence and then on May 29th to travel to SF for worship at Grace Cathedral. Both of these outings will take some organizing, so I’d love to get a head count. ALSO, we are in…

‘A Rigorous Church’ Conversations

Hello – I believe that rigorous churches will survive and thrive in our increasingly secular age. I also believe St. Paul’s is becoming a rigorous church. For over a decade, we have been gradually devoting ourselves to the core Christian practices of prayer, worship, service, generosity, learning scripture, listening for call and Discipleship Groups. That’s…

The Latest From Kati

Sorry for the belated email, but being off schedule with Spring Break has me a bit behind. Here’s the calendar for the next few weeks, please read carefully for details and events. This Sunday – Prayers and Saints with Kati and Alison April 24th – Stories and Songs with Jim and Janet May 1st –…

A Rigorous Church

Hello – I have an important teaching I’m finally ready to share with you. I plan three times to share this teaching- the next two Sunday Spiritual Forums, which are 9:00 to 9:40 in Duncan Hall and a special session on Wednesday, April 27th, from 5:30 to 6:30. As you may know, my life was…

An Update from Kati

I hope you’ve all had a nice peaceful week. This is a quiet weekend at St. Paul’s for the children, as it’s the beginning of Spring Break. The kids choir will not be there and there will not be Sunday School. However, Michael Struck’s wife has brought in a couple of students from San Domenico…

A Short Course

Hello – For the second year in a row, a substantial number of people from St. Paul’s are involved in Cursillo, which means ‘short course’ in Spanish. Cursillo has an interesting history. It was started in Spain by people who had been keepers of inns, or ‘albergues’ along the Christian pilgrimage route, the Camino. They…

Classes Start Again Tomorrow

Hello – After a brief break for Holy Week and Easter Week, our full range of classes start tomorrow. 1. The Spiritual Forum resumes its slow and deep exploration of life as a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. (Sundays 9:00am to 9:40am) 2. Confirmation Class for youth continues with an introduction to prayer. (Sundays 11:30am to 12:30pm)…

Easter: Body and Soul

Hello – It was such a joy to see so many of you through the course of Holy Week. It was a time filled with great emotions. Many made the week special and excellent but I want to particularly thank Mike for his music, Judy for her hard work and good taste, Alex for the…