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Posts by Communications Manager (Page 31)

Holy Week – A Chance to Invite

Hello – A quick run down of services and then a beautifully crafted invitation to invite others written by my friend and colleague, Nathan. (I was going to take his idea and modify, but he put it so well, I’m simply stealing!) Holy Week • Sunday– Palm Sunday services at 8am and 10am with blessing…

Your Own Leader Through Pentecost

Hello, On Friday I will be sending you an email with the full rundown of Holy Week services. Today, I want to help you get spiritually oriented through May and into June. The first of the three Landmarks that the RenewalWorks Group shared with us is for each of us to “become spiritual leaders of…

Sharing Lenten Practice Stories

Hello – Sunday, after both services, you are invited to gather with others and share or hear experiences with Lenten Practices. Whether or not you adopted a Lenten discipline, come hear the experiences of others in the conversation area of Duncan Hall at either 9am or 11:20am, In response to the 84 of us who took…

Holy Week Starts Next Sunday

Dear Friends, There is never anything more important to us at St. Paul’s than the worship services of Holy Week. Remember, our mission is simply “following Jesus together in worship, prayer and service.” At the heart of following Jesus together in worship is following him closely through the four great worship services of Holy Week. They are:…

News From the Kids’ Program

Dear Families, There will be no Godly Play this Sunday as it’s the beginning of Spring Break. The nursery, however, will be open and both Anna and Allison plan to be there. Send your squirmy 5 and 6 year olds if you like. 😉 Sunday, April 7th – NO Sunday School April 14th – Music…

Lenten Quick Hits

Hello – Three quick ones: 1. Tomorrow night is the bi-monthly meeting of the Death Row Ministry. (Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:30pm) Come and learn and maybe begin by writing a few letters. (And check out the beautiful thank you letters from men on Death Row in the bulletin board in the entrance to Duncan Hall.)…

Three Things for Lent

Hello – Three things for Lent: 1. Basic Discipleship+ begins tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 8:30am and Sunday morning at 11:30am. In this four or five week class I coach people in the Christian practices of daily prayer, telling our own story, listening well to others and doing the work God gives us to do. It’s…