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All Saints’ and Time Change

Hello –

I’m fresh back from a short trip to Omaha where I met with a small group of top leaders of the Diocese of Nebraska and a leader from the Diocese of Indianapolis. All of them are implementing various elements of The Restoration Project, elements that were developed here at St. Paul’s, in creative ways. The Basics classes, Outreach and, above all Discipleship Groups, are alive and well in the midwest!

This Sunday, there are two things you ought to know:

• This is the Sunday we ‘fall back’ an hour. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep. Or better yet, use the shift to slightly change your Sunday morning ritual to come to the Forum at 9am in Duncan Hall where we’re considering the nature of the human soul.

• Each year on this Sunday we read aloud the Necrology, which is the list of all those in our extended St. Paul’s family who have died in the last year. If you would like to add anyone to the list, please email me ASAP.

I hope to see you Sunday.


p: (415) 456-4842