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A Guide to Sunday Worship

Hello –

This Sunday at the 10am service I start a four part series called A Guide to Sunday Worship.
Our worship service is like a four part play we all perform together for an audience of one (or one and three!), that is, for God. For the next four Sundays, just before each part, I will give a brief teaching about what we’re going to do, why it’s important, and some hints to the deeper meaning.
In addition, for the next few Sundays we will also be handing out a 4 page guide that accompanies the teaching.
I offer this series every few years and people always love it. The depth of what we do together on Sunday mornings is simply astonishing. Come and have your eyes and your heart opened to some of the deepest and most beautiful mysteries of our living tradition.
Finally, thank you to all of you who filled out the first annual Self-Assessment. 83 people responded and so we now have a much better sense of where we are together in relationship to our Seven Core Christian Practices of prayer, worship, service, generosity, scripture knowledge, discerning call and being in a Discipleship Group. The Self-Assessment will be available again next June.
p: (415) 456-4842