Hello –
I was so sorry to hear that we were attacked by the technology gremlin on Sunday. I know the time of worship is a real place of connection and elevation for many of us. I was particularly sorry that you didn’t have the opportunity to be led in worship by my colleague and friend the Rev. Lynn Oldham-Robinett. We’ll get her back soon, I hope. IN the meantime, Jacob is adding some more safeguards so we should back strong on Sunday.
Meanwhile, the Great Commandment Groups are off to a great start, Godly Play for the children is every other Sunday, our Outreach programs are all seeking ways to continue to serve and your Vestry and other leaders are carefully creating safe Courtyard Worship.
These are challenging times. Let’s keep connected, remembering that we follow Jesus together in worship, prayer and service.
Please pray for me as I pray for you.