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Upcoming Events

Hello –

Here are four upcoming events:

1. Tomorrow is the last teaching of Be Still, a Transcending Contempt Practice Group. I’ll be teaching on loving our neighbors like sonar. Newcomers are welcome. 8:45am in Duncan Hall.

2. Friday, February 28th the Young Adult Retreat begins at St. Columba’s in Inverness. So far, 13 people are signed up. Connect the folks in their 20s and 30s with Erin at 415 408 8353 to find out more.

3. Friday, March 7th is Parent’s Night in Duncan Hall with food, fellowship and conversation about raising our children and teens to know, love and serve God. Childcare will be provided. Again, call Erin to find out more.

4. Wednesday, March 5th is Ash Wednesday. Services are at noon and 6pm.

p: (415) 456-4842