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Thanksgiving Into Advent

Hello –

I hope you all are staying safe and finding ways to safely connect with the ones you love this Thanksgiving in pandemic. I conclude this email with a lovely prayer to bear in mind and heart on Thursday.

In the meantime, three things to know:

• The Martha Collective is offering a Mom’s Mini-Retreat this Sunday afternoon, November 29th. This is a time to connect with other active mothers, savor some silence and mediation and have dinner for your family delivered. Contact Kati at

• Our Seminarian, Peter Vazquez-Schmitt will be ordained to the transitional Diaconate next Saturday, December 5th at 3pm. The Rev. Liz Milner, who joined this summer and fall, will also be ordained to the Priesthood at that same service. I will be sending links next week if you’d like to virtually attend.

Evensong will be the next day, Sunday, December 6th at 5pm. The choir will be singing and I will be officiating. It will be on our Facebook Live site.

And now a prayer of Thanksgiving for the beauty of the earth (BCP p. 840):

We give you thanks, most gracious God, for the beauty of the earth and sky and sea; for the richness of mountains, plains, and rivers; for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers. We praise you for these good gifts, and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation, to the honor and glory of your Name, now and forever. Amen.

p: (415) 456-4842