During Social Distancing 2021:
Sunday Live Worship Online at 10am
Join by clicking the below link:
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/stpaulssanrafael/
No Facebook account is required to view the livestream.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdMKliDwgkJ7b-gqXpbS-A
Usual worship times when restrictions are not in effect:
Sunday 8am Service – Rite I or Rite II Eucharist
Sunday 10am Service – Rite II Eucharist (coffee reception follows)
Worship in the beauty of holiness: An hour with music, silence, a message and a communion table. The ancient ritual of sharing bread and wine at table is open to all baptized Christians. See more about what to expect here.
The St. Paul’s Chancel Choir sings on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month. (Mozart Mass and Laudate Dominum, Britten’s Jubilate Deo, Vladimir Martynov – the Beatitudes, Bach and Pachelbel cantatas with professional section leaders.
The St. Paul Singers sing on the 4th Sunday of the month. (Contemporary church music that is derived from folk and popular musical idioms. We are accompanied by guitar and piano. In the past we’ve had bass, harmonica and djembe.
To inquire about singing in either choir, contact Michael Struck at m_struck@comcast.net.
Sunday Kids’ Programs
We have a rich and vibrant kid’s program. You can learn more about it here.