The plaque reads: “This creche is given by George F. Bont to the glory of God and in memory of John Stephen O’Neill”.
George Bont owned the California Steel Products Company in Richmond. His son-in-law was John Stephen O’Neill. John took his two son’s fishing in Klamoth Falls, Oregon. While there he received a phone call informing him that his business, O’Neill’s Hardware in San Rafael had burned to the ground. John suffered a fatal heart attack and died at age forty-four. He left a wife Janet and four children. His memorial service was held at St. Paul’s Church on August 30, 1960. George Bont moved to San Rafael to live with his daughter and her children.
On Decmber 17th, 1961 St. Paul’s Church held its first “assembling of the creche pageant”. The nativity figures of the creche were placed in the manger by children and adults of the parish. Afterwards the tree was lit and carols were song. One of the pageant directors was Mrs. John O’Neill.
Several years ago Janie and Bruce Burtch were in Portland Oregon and attended The Grotto’s Christmas Festival of Lights. This is a huge choral festival held in a chapel in a park setting. One of the features of the park is a grotto with a beautiful life sized creche. Amazing to Janie and Bruce was the realization that the creche although on a larger scale was identical to St. Paul’s creche. Doing some research, Bruce discovered the name of the company that created the creche. The Demetz Art Studio is an Italian company that is still in existence in Ortisei, a small town in Northern Italy in the Dolomites.
This company continues to make Christian statuary carved from linden wood. Bruce corresponded with the company and found they no longer make the creche in the size that St. Paul’s owns. This creche is very precious and valuable. St Paul’s is very fortunate to have received this gift and thanks to Janie and Bruce Burtch for discovering its origin.
~ Joy Moss