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Small Groups

Hello –

Join a Christian Small Group for Lent (and maybe beyond!) The Episcopal Churches of northern Marin are creating and nurturing two kinds of small groups in the opening months of 2021.

Christian Support Groups are groups of 3 to 8 people who come together once a week or every other week for a wide range of purposes. It may be a book or Bible Study, a time of prayer, or just a time to check in with each others lives, perhaps wit the use of the Examen, a simple Christian way of asking when you felt closest to God and when furthest away.

Discipleship Groups have a liturgy at their meetings that encourages seven core Christian practices. They may also share a ministry in common such as outreach.

Some groups are all men, some all women and some are mixed gender. Some are all people from one church, but most are a blend of two or more churches. In all cases, we meet to support each other in our emotional and spiritual lives. The people in our eight existing groups consistently report that, unlike many Zoom meetings, participants leave these meetings energized.

Please contact the Rev. Kirsten Snow-Spalding (, the Rev. Christopher Martin (, the Rev. Stacey Grossman ( or the Rev. Jim Ward ( to explore possibilities and find out more. Or, just go to this link, to fill out a very brief survey. We will do our best to find you a group that meets your growing spiritual needs and hopes.

p: (415) 456-4842