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Shop’s Open!

I’m here at St. Pauls, the blessed TrueVine chalices are out on the porch of Duncan Hall, and the church doors are open. You are welcome to come by any time today and pick up your chalices for this evening‘s 5pm service.

I’ll be here until 1pm and then I will be delivering chalices to whomever would like one. I’ve heard from three of you, Joy, Richard and Rose. Anyone else? (email me at

Even if you don’t get your hands on a TrueVine chalice, please prepare yourself a little bread and juice or wine. Even is we can’t eat and drink in the same space, at least we can eat and drink at the same time.

Finally, go to our website, and get the service bulletin ahead of time. It has all the responses. As you’ll see, we’re going to be singing lots of the classic Carols. You might even track down the lyrics to some of the later verses online if you’d like to sing along.

I hope to see some of you in person this morning at St. Paul’s and this afternoon as I deliver. (With masks on and with social distance, of course!)

Christmas Eve service is at 5pm, begins with a small choir singing from the courtyard, and concludes with Christmas greetings from eight of our families!
